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(Video) Part 9: Evidence line 17 of 20: Cystic fibrosis connection

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Today let’s look at line of evidence numbers 17 out of 20 telling us that acetaminophen exposure in susceptible babies and children causes many if not most cases of autism.

This is William Parker, the scientist, with Dr. Parker Reports.

This line of evidence is all about a mystery in the scientific literature that we solved once we figured out that acetaminophen causes autism.

First, if you haven’t watched our videos on oxidative stress, you should go back and watch those.

The rule is that oxidative stress makes acetaminophen dangerous. Line of evidence number 17 is about the exception to that rule.

It turns out that individuals with cystic fibrosis, a condition associated with significant amounts of oxidative stress, have never been shown to have an increased risk of autism!

In fact, two studies from the early 1990s showed that cystic fibrosis imparts a kind of super-power of amazing acetaminophen metabolism!

Why is that?

The best guess is that people with cystic fibrosis have oxidative stress in certain parts of their body, such as the lung, but the rest of their body is trying to compensate for that. There’re essentially in a constant state of oxidative unstress. 

This would explain why cystic fibrosis, unlike other conditions associated with oxidative stress, is not associated with autism.

And that’s the broad strokes on line of evidence number 17 out of 20, the super-metabolism of acetaminophen by people with cystic fibrosis.

Please follow us to see the last two lines of evidence.


To watch a more detailed video on this topic: please watch our similarly titled video on this WPLab Youtube channel. 

To get more information and to see how this fits into the big picture, read the peer-reviewed research.

The following references describe the original published research mentioned in this blog:

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