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WPLab cannot give medical advice, so the best advice we can give is to make a plan in advance. This may seem simple, but those critical moments where you or a loved one must see a child suffer, are the times when we react out of emotion, not based on our knowledge or convictions. Making an action plan for what you will do to mitigate pain and fevers (the main uses of acetaminophen) will be a critical tool in your arsenal.


We’ve compiled a variety of non-pharmacological means of treating fevers and pain from reliable sources that you may find helpful in making your plan. You can find those at You can also get more support and information at


How much acetaminophen do I want my newborn exposed to?  This includes what medicines the pregnant woman takes right before birth and what medicines the hospital staff gives my child immediately after birth. 

What will we do when my baby/child has a fever?  At what temperature will we call our doctor? What methods will we use to bring down the fever? What methods will we use to make my baby/child comfortable?

What will we do when my baby/child has a pain?  What type of pain might they experience (ex: teething, paper-cut, constipation, etc.) and what will I do in these instances to help them feel better (solutions may vary per situation)?

What will I say to my doctor about my approach to giving my child medication? 

What instructions will I give to those who watch my baby/child (ex: family members, babysitters, etc.) as it relates to these critical moments?

Who will I call when I get overwhelmed and need support?

Other notes to remember:

WPLab cannot give medical advice, so the best advice we can give is to make a plan in advance. We hope these questions will help you with making that plan. 

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