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Where Research, Education, and Hope Meet

Raising awareness of inflammation issues and their causes

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Our Services

Acetaminophen and Autism are Linked

Based on the scientific evidence, we have been able to conclude without a reasonable doubt that exposure of susceptible babies and children to acetaminophen causes many if not most cases autism.


Who We are 

WPLab is a not-for-profit company that conducts research and education related to immune system dysfunction in high-income countries. A current focus is the interaction between the immune system and acetaminophen (paracetamol) early in life, and how that interaction affects brain development.


With Your Help, We Can Prevent Autism

How You Can Take Action


This may seem simple, but those critical moments where you or a loved one see a child suffer, are the times when we react out of emotion, not based on our knowledge or convictions. Making an action plan for what you will do to mitigate pain and fevers will be a critical tool in your arsenal.
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The Mounting Evidence

There are now more than 20 science-based reasons that conclude acetaminophen causes autism. Click the boxes below to hear more.

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"Administration of acetaminophen under these conditions does little or no long-term good, so the induction of autism at this time is truly tragic.“ - William Parker, PhD

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You Can Make a Difference

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